
release date: 2002.10.30
01. MOON BLUE / M to W featuring 「マコト」(Makoto) from ドレミ團(DOREMIdan)
02. Memorize / S to M
03. チェックメイトパーティー(Checkmate Party) / Sinkro
04. Mr.Maグロ(Mr.MaGuro) /Loz'a≠Veria
05. 生命の破片(Seimei no kakera) / As'REAL
06. 悲愴アネモネ(Hisou Anemone) / Cynical Biscuit
07. ドキドキワクワク恋心。(Dokidoki wakuwaku koigokoro) / ジプシー (Gypsy)
08. M。犬-mix(M.Inu-mix) / ルシド・バレイヌ (Rushido Bareinu)
09. たべっこどうぶつ(Tabekko doubutsu) / kenllre
10. 途切れ途切れのパズル(Togireru togireru no puzzle) / CANDY CRUNCH SPEAKER
11. ピーターパン・シンドローム(Peter Pan Syndrome) / THE ASK
12. leaves / DERAIL
13. Pure / Chronosphere
14. どるどるのテーマ(Dorodoro no Theme) / どるどる (Dorodoro)
15. crazy drive / MU:TATION
16. Relic (orchestra version) / sarino
17. 空と海と人・・・(Sora to umi to hito...) / sarino
18. Ending / M to W featuring 「マコト」(Makoto) from ドレミ團(DOREMIdan)
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comment please
hello I just wanted to say that I think it would be a better idea if you took all of your collection here (yes I mean all of it) and made a giant torrent out of it. Either that or soulseek like vodoovault has done. You can allways just filter away the stuff you dont want and by now most visitors are old fans who have been here for some time. Think about it will you.