Updated 22/07/10
MYU (ミュー) é a antiga banda do DAICHI, vocalista da Psycho le Cemu e o guitarrista TATSUYA. Na bateria quem tocava era o KEI e no baixo SOH. Foi uma banda formada em 1997~1998. Eles tiveram 3 lançamentos, Nameless que contava com 4 faixas, Truth e PSYCHO Experience. Em 2009 uma de suas músicas foram lançadas na NEW AGE CULTURE, coletânea bem conhecida pelo pessoal.
Myu (ミュー) is the old band of DAICHI, Psycho le Cemu vocalist and TATSUYA the guitarist. On drums who played was KEI and Bass SOH. It was a band formed in 1997 ~ 1998. They had three releases, Nameless which featured four tracks, PSYCHO Experience and Truth. In 2009 one of his songs were released in the NEW AGE CULTURE, a collection well known of all you. ^^
Myu (ミュー) is the old band of DAICHI, Psycho le Cemu vocalist and TATSUYA the guitarist. On drums who played was KEI and Bass SOH. It was a band formed in 1997 ~ 1998. They had three releases, Nameless which featured four tracks, PSYCHO Experience and Truth. In 2009 one of his songs were released in the NEW AGE CULTURE, a collection well known of all you. ^^
MYU (ミュー) - Truth
1. Another of kiler
I have the CDs nameless and Psycho Experience if you want ♥
ReplyDeleteThe vocal from Psycho le Cemu