Mais uma banda da Matina de curta duração formada por membros do Distray e オルゴール (Orugooru).
Seitsuki parece ter sumido de cena com o fim do LAYBIAL, Ai foi pro Orugooru com Ranmu mas após isso não seguiu carreira musical... Ranmu se juntou ao Schwardix Marvally.
Ruiza e o baterista Shion se juntaram ao Syndrome com fim da banda, Ruiza hoje em dia está no D e a última banda de Shion foi Shelly Trip Realize.
One more Matina’s band of short duration formed by Distray’s members and オルゴール (Orugooru).
Seitsuki seems to have desappeared from the scene with the end of LAYBIAL, Ai gone to Orugooru with Ranmu, but after this don’t follow musical career… Ranmu joined Schwardix Marvally. Ruiza and the drummer Shion joined Syndrome with the band’s end, Ruiza nowadays is on D and the Shion’s last band was Shelly Trip Realize.
Seitsuki parece ter sumido de cena com o fim do LAYBIAL, Ai foi pro Orugooru com Ranmu mas após isso não seguiu carreira musical... Ranmu se juntou ao Schwardix Marvally.
Ruiza e o baterista Shion se juntaram ao Syndrome com fim da banda, Ruiza hoje em dia está no D e a última banda de Shion foi Shelly Trip Realize.
One more Matina’s band of short duration formed by Distray’s members and オルゴール (Orugooru).
Seitsuki seems to have desappeared from the scene with the end of LAYBIAL, Ai gone to Orugooru with Ranmu, but after this don’t follow musical career… Ranmu joined Schwardix Marvally. Ruiza and the drummer Shion joined Syndrome with the band’s end, Ruiza nowadays is on D and the Shion’s last band was Shelly Trip Realize.
Voice: 聖月 (Seitsuki)
Guitar: 哀 (Ai)
Guitar: 涙沙 (Ruiza)
Bass: 乱夢 (Ranmu)
→Lese larme(Lamu)→オルゴール→LAYBIAL→オルゴール(Ramu)→シュガーフォークフル(Suport)→Schwardix Marvally(Ram)
Drums: 紫音 (Shion)
→Distray(拓馬)→LAYBIAL→Syndrome→Shelly Trip Realize
Discografia completa, exceto por uma demo-tape em conjunto com o Eze:quL.
[1999.10.00] Peinture (demo-tape)
01. PROLOGUE ~ first image~
02. Peinture
† download †
[1999.09.10] visage (demo-tape)
01. PROLOGUE ~second image~
02. visage
† download †
[1999.10.10] Love affair (demo-tape)
01. PROLOGUE~Third Image~
02. love affair
† download †
so nice files still here... thank you very much) *love*