Macabre Festival 6
Data do evento: 21/06/2009
Horário: 18hr
Local: CLUBE OUTS - Rua Augusta, 486 (Próximo ao metrô Consolação)
R$10,00 reais antecipado
R$15,00 na porta do evento
- Personna (RJ)
- Ma:Kiavel (RJ)
- Kokinshu (Campinas-SP)
- Mask to Bara (Santos-SP)
- Ricky (80’s – Gothic - Punk)
- gÜí Dix Est (J-Rock/Visual Kei - Old)
- Chelsy & Momo (J-Industrial/Gothic - EBM)
Duelo bate cabeça
- Luigi X Shinya
Exibição de Vídeos
Fotos e videos do Festival serão postadas aqui :D
National Festival of J-Rock [Brazil]
Macabre Festival 6
Date of event: 21/06/2009
Hours: 18hr
Venue: CLUB OUTS - Rua Augusta, 486 (next to subway "Consolation")
R$ 10.00 real early
R$ 15.00 at the door of the event
- Personna (RJ)
- Ma: Kiavel (RJ)
- Kokinshu (Campinas-SP)
- Mask to Bara (Santos-SP)
- Ricky (80's - Gothic - Punk)
- gÜí DIx Est (J-Rock/Visual Kei - Old)
- Chelsy & Momo (J-Industrial/Gothic - EBM)
Duel "head hits"
- Luigi X Shinya
Exibition Videos
Comment's are welcome
Photos and videos of the festival will be posted here
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