from official site:
Legion commanded by KENZI who is charismatic artist in Japanese visual-kei scene.
set his hand on fire, break neon lights with his head, cut himself with the shards on his stomach and arms, fling vegetables with a baseball bat, and tumble around on a pile of thumbtacks.
KENZI introduces self, saying "I am a musician who goes to a hospital frequently in Japan.
Members are,
Not fixation.It is different according to gig of that and 200 or more have peformed before as ∀NTI FEMINISM.
Members are,
Calling "∀NTI SHOCKERS" exist in the whole country such as not only Tokyo but also Kansai ∀NTI(Osaka),Shizuoka ∀NTI,Sapporo ∀NTI,Kita-Kyusyu ∀NTI.Nagoya ∀NTI.

01. 汚い奴 (kitanai yatsu)
02. 見世物小屋の魔法使い (misemono goya no mahou-tsukai)
03. 凶行 (kyoukou)
04. 15 歳 (15 Sai)
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01. 警察官 (Keisatsukan)
02. 教師 (Kyoushi)
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01. ユメノクニ (yume no kuni)
02. ナショナリズム (nationalism)
03. ススメ、ススメ日の丸ススメ (susume, susume hinomaru susume)
04. 仰げば尊し(2001-01-17 目黒鹿鳴館) (Aogeba toutoshi (2001-01-17 Meguro rockmaykan))
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01. 灯油 (Touyu)
02. 蛍光灯 (Keikoutou)
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01. 俺をあおるな! (Ore o aoru na !)
02. くらげ (Kurage)
03. ピノキオ (Pinocchio)
04. ススメ、ススメ日の丸ススメ (susume, susume hinomaru susume)
05. D
06. 汚い奴 (Kitanai yatsu)
07. 見世物小屋の魔法使い (Misemono koya no mahou tsukai)
08. 赤 (Aka)
09. さよなら (Sayonara)
10. BAD BOY ∀
11. クレイジーカラー (Crazy Color)
12. 飼われる (Kawareru)
13. ビスケット (Biscuit)
14. 豚 (Biscuit)
15. 655321号 (655321gou)
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01. くだらない話し (Kudaranai hanashi)
02. 俺をあおるな! (Ore o aoruna)
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01 .∀NTI FEMINISM - Superuma
02. Deadly Sanctuary - Masturebation
03. ∀NTI FEMINISM - Boku no
04. Deadly Sanctuary - Happiness
05. ∀NTI FEMINISM - Korosu sou yo!
06. Deadly Sanctuary - Yami ~BLACK LIST~
07. ∀NTI FEMINISM & Deadly Sanctuary - Emperor
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01. 左右のテロ (Sayuu no Tero)
02. トカゲ (Tokage)
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01. 社会 (Shakai)
02. ナショナリズム (Nationalism)
03. 蛍光灯 (Keikoutou)
04. 飼われる (Kawareru)
05. ストリートファイティングマッチ (STREET FIGHTING MUCH)
06. 教師 (Kyoushi)
07. 粗大ゴミ (Sodai gomi)
08. GO GO アンチフェミニズム (GO GO ∀NTI FEMINISM)
09. 爆裂都市 (Bakuretsu toshi)
10. 油すまし (Abura-sumashi)
11. くらげ (Kurage)
12. 凶行 (Kyoukou)
13. スペルマ (Sperm)
14. 655321 号 (655321gou)
15. 俺をあおるな! (Ore wo aoru na !)
16. ユメノクニ (Yume no kuni)
17. BAD BOY ∀
18. ピノキオ (Pinocchio)
19. 見世物小屋の魔法使い (Misemono koya no mahou tsukai)
20. 汚い奴 (Kitanai yatsu)
21. はかない人よせパンダ (Hakanai hito yose Panda)
22. Go-sick13
24. くだらない話し (Kudaranai hanashi)
25. 殺そうよ! (Korosou yo!)
26. 豚 (Buta)
27. 負け犬 (Makeinu)
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